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CCC 2015 J4: Wait Time

Updated: Nov 1, 2020

M = int(input())
f = [0]*101
r = [0]*101
s = [0]*101
time = 0
for i in range(M):
    ss = input().split()
    cmd = ss[0]
    n = int(ss[1])
    if cmd == 'S':
        f[n] += time - s[n]
        r[n] = 1
    elif cmd == "R":
        r[n] = -1
        s[n] = time
        time += n-2
    time += 1
for j in range(101):
    if r[j] != 0:
        if r[j] > 0:
            print(j, f[j])
            print(j, r[j])

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