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CCC 2015 J2: Happy or Sad

Comparing elements in a string and using a counter. Using if and else-if to determine the output

def mood(a):
    index = 0
    happy = 0
    sad = 0
    while index < len(a):
        if index + 2 < len(a) and a[index] == ':'/ 
        and a[index+1] == '-' and a[index+2] == ')':
            happy +=1
        elif index + 2 < len(a) and a[index] == ':'/
        and a[index+1] ==  '-' and a[index+2] == '(':
            sad +=1
        index += 1
    if happy > sad:
    elif happy < sad:
    elif happy == sad and happy != 0 or sad !=0:

A = input()

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